Alexander G. Khandji, MD
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Alexander G. Khandji, MD, FACR, is professor of radiology in neurological surgery and neurology, vice-chair for clinical affairs in the department, and associate director of the radiology service at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. He was chief resident during his residency here and later completed training in neuroradiology at the Neurological Institute. His special interests include MRI, diagnostic neuroangiography and percutaneous diagnostic and interventional spinal procedures. He is especially interested in developing noninvasive techniques to evaluate vascular lesions of the brain and the spinal cord using MR arterial spin labelling. He also involved with the neuroendocrine unit here at Columbia to evaluate paients with endocrine disorders using MRI as well as venous petrosal sinus sampling.
Areas of Expertise / Conditions Treated
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Academic Appointments
- Professor of Radiology (in Neurological Surgery and in Neurology) at CUMC
Administrative Titles
- Vice-Chair for Clinical Affairs, Department of Radiology
- Associate Director, Radiology Service, NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia
Hospital Affiliations
- NewYork-Presbyterian / Columbia University Irving Medical Center
- NewYork-Presbyterian Westchester
- NewYork-Presbyterian Allen Hospital
- Arabic
- Male
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Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- State University of New York - Downstate Health Sciences Center
- Internship: Hershey Medical Center - Pennsylvania State University
- Residency: Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, NY
- Residency: Hershey Medical Center - Pennsylvania State University
- Fellowship: Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, NY
- Fellowship: 1986 NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical C
Board Certifications
- Diagnostic Radiology
- Neuroradiology
Selected Publications
Original Articles
- Chang AK, Sopher AB, Gallagher MP, Khandji AG, Oberfield SE. Congenital Pituitary Gland Abnormalities-A Possible Association With Maternal Hyperglycemia: Two Case Reports. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2011 Feb 21.
- Helbok R, Madineni RC, Schmidt MJ, Kurtz P, Fernandez L, Ko SB, Choi A, Stuart MR, Connolly ES, Lee K, Badjatia N, Mayer SA, Khandji AG, Claassen J. Intracerebral monitoring of silent infarcts after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurocrit Care. 2011 Apr;14 (2):162-7.
- Lignelli A, Khandji AG. Review of imaging techniques in the diagnosis and management of brain metastases. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2011 Jan;22 (1):15-25, v. Hanafy KA, Stuart RM, Khandji AG, Connolly ES, Badjatia N, Mayer SA, Schindler C. Relationship between brain interstitial fluid tumor necrosis factor and cerebral vasospasm after aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Clin Neurosci. 2010 Jul;17 (7) :853-6.
- Komotar RJ, Zacharia BE, Sughrue ME, Mocco J, Carson DS, Tihan T, Otten ML, Burger PC, Garvin JH, Khandji AG, Anderson RC. Magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of pilomyxoid astrocytoma. Neurol Res. 2008 Nov: 30(9) 945-51. Epub 2008 July 25.
- Rincon F, Mocco J, Komotar RJ, Khandji, AG, McCormick PC, Olarte, M. Chronic myelopathy due to a giant spinal arachnoid cyst: a complication of the intrathecal injection of Phenol. Case report. J Neurosurg Spine. 2008 Apr;8(4):390-3
- Tanji K, Kaufmann P, Naini AB, Lu J, Parsons TC, Wang D, Willey J, Shanske S, Hirano M, Bonilla E, Khandji AG, DiMauro S, Rowland LP. A Novel tRNAVal Mitochondrial DNA Mutation Causing MELAS. J Neurol. Sci 2008 Jul 15;270(1-2):23-7. Epub 2008 Mar 7.
- Chew S, Khandji AG, Montes J, Mitsumoto H, Gordon PH. Olfactory ensheathing glia injections in Beijing: misleading patients with ALS. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. 2007 Oct;8(5):314-6.
- Ogden AT, Khandji AG, McCormick PC, Kaiser MG. Intramedullary inclusion cysts of the cervicothoracic junction. Report of two cases in adults and review of the literature. J Neurosurg Spine. 2007 Aug;7(2):236-42.
- Komotar RJ, O'Toole JE, Mocco J, Khandji AG, Keller CE, Connolly ES Jr, Bilsky MH, McCormick PC. Gangliocytoma of the Spinal Cord. Neurosurgery. 2007 May;60(5):895-900.
- Devanand DP, Pradhaban G, Liu X, Khandji A, De Santi S, Segal S, Rusinek H, Pelton GH, Honig LS, Mayeux R, Stern Y, Taberts MH, de Leon MJ. Hippocampal and entorhinal atrophy in mild cognitive impairment: Prediction of Alzheimer disease. Neurology. 2007 Mar 13;68(11):828-36.
- Prabhakaran S, Khandji AG, Wright CB. Extracranial internal carotid artery dissection with unusual gadolinium enhancement. Neurology. 2006 Aug 8;67(3): 536-537
- Heller H, Hatami R, Mullin P, Sciacca RR, Khandji AG, Hamberger M, Emerson R, Heyer EJ. Bilateral bispectral index monitoring during suppression of unilateral hemispheric function. Anesth Analg. 2005 Jul;101(1):235-41
- Komotar RJ, Connolly ES Jr, Clatterbuck RE, Khandji AG, Lavine SD, Kaiser MG. Clinicoradiological review: dural arteriovenous fistula and cervical spondylosis mimicking multiple sclerosis. Neurosurgery. 2005 June;56(6):1325-9; discussion 1329.
- Komotar RJ, Connolly ES Jr, Khandji AG, Teitelbaum GP, Lavine SD. Clinicoradiological review: symptomatic superior cerebellar artery aneurysm imitating cerebellopontine angle tumor. Neurosurgery. 2005 Apr;56(4):836-40; discussion 836-40.
- Senatus PB, McClelland S 3rd, Tanji K, Khandji AG, Huang J. Feldstein N; The transformation of pediatric gliomatosis cerebri to cerebellar glioblastoma multiforme presenting as supra- and infratentorial acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. Case report. J Neurosurgery. 2005 Jan; 102(1 Suppl):72-7
- Komotar RJ, Mocco J, Carson BS, Sughrue ME, Zacharia BE, Sisti AC, Canoll PD, Khandji AG, Tihan T, Burger PC, Bruce JN. Pilomyxoid astrocytoma: a review. MedGenMed. 2004 Dec 9;6(4):42.
- Donovan MA, Khandji AG, Siris E. Multiple adjacent vertebral fractures after kyphoplasty in a patient with steroid-induced osteoporosis. J Bone Miner Res. 2004 May;19(5):712-3.
- O'Toole JE, Connolly ES Jr, Khandji AG, Feldstein NA, Tanji K, Parisien M, Krauss WE. Clinicopathological review: cord compression secondary to a lesion of the cervical spine in an 11 year-old girl. Neurosurgery. 2004 Apr,54(4):934-7; discussion 938.
- Oh U, Gupta R, Krakauer JW, Khandji AG, Chin SS, Elkind MS. Reversible leukoencephalopathy associated with cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Neurology. 2004 Feb 10;62(3):494-7.
- Freda PU, Reyes CM, Nuruzzaman AT, Sundeen RE, Khandji AG. Cabergoline therapy of growth hormone & growth hormone/prolactin secreting pituitary tumors. Pituitary, 2004;7(1):21-30.
- Gupta R, Schumacher HC, Mangla S, Meyers PM, Duong H, Khandji AG, Marshall RS, Mohr JP, Pile-Spellman J. Urgent endovascular revascularization for symptomatic intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis. Neurology. 2003 Dec 23;61(12): 1729-35.
- Anderson RC, Connolly ES Jr, Ozduman K, Laurans MS, Gunel M, Khandji AG, Faust PL, Sisti MB. Clinicopathological review: giant intraventricular cavernous malformation. Neurosurgery. 2003 Aug;53(2):374-8; discussion 378-9.
- Tamargo RJ, Connolly ES Jr, McKhann GM, Khandji AG, Chang Y, Libien J, Adams D. Clinicopathological review: primary angiitis of the central nervous system in association with cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Neurosurgery. 2003 Jul;53(1):136-43; discussion 143.
- Landman RE, Horwith M, Peterson RE, Khandji AG, Wardlaw SL. Long-term survival with ACTH-secreting carcinoma of the pituitary: as case report and review of the literature. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002 July;87(7):3084-9. Review. Erratum in: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2002 Sep;87(9):4153.
- Brisman R, Khandji AG, Mooij RB. Trigeminal Nerve-Blood Vessel Relationship as Revealed by High-resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Its Effect on Pain Relief after Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia. Neurosurgery. 2002 Jun;50(6):1261-6, discussion 1266-7.
- Rubin MR, Bruce JN, Khandji AG, Freda PU. Sarcoidosis within a pituitary adenoma. Pituitary. 2001 Aug;4(3):195-202
- Landman RE, Wardlaw SL, McConnell RJ, Khandji AG, Bruce JN, Freda PU. Pituitary lymphoma presenting as fever of unknown origin. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Apr;86(4):1470-6. Review.
- *Nickoloff EL, Khandji AG, Dutta A.: Radiation Doses During CT Fluoroscopy. Health Physics, Volume 79, No. 6, PP 675-681, December, 2000.
- Huang J, Mocco J, Choudhri TF, Poisik A, Popilskis SJ, Emerson R, DeLaPaz RL, Khandji AG, Pinsky DJ, Connolly ES, Jr.: A Modified Transorbital Baboon Model of Reperfused Stroke. Stroke, Volume 31, No. 12, PP 3054-3063, December, 2000.
- Duwe K, Khandji AG, Riedel C, Fawwaz R. All pleural effusions are not created equal. Clin Nucl Med. 2000 Dec;25(12):1055-6. No abstract available.
- Solomon RA, Connolly ES, Prestigiacomo CP, Khandji AG, Pile-Spellman JS: Management of Residual Dysplatic Vessels After Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation Resection: Implications for Post-Operative Angiography. Neurosurgery, Volume 46, No. 5, PP1052-1062, May, 2000.
- *Freda PU, Andreadis CI, Khandji AG, Khoury M, Bruce JN, Jacobs TP, Wardlaw, SL,: Long Term Treatment of Prolactin-Secreting Macroadenomas with Pergolide; The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Volume 85, No. 1, January, 2000.
- Mason TB 2nd, Chiriboga CA, Feldstein NA, Kartha K, Khandji AG; Massive intracranial arachnoid cyst in a developmentally normal infant: Case report and literature review. Pediatr Neurol. 1997 Jan;16(1):59-62. Review
- Ford B, Pullman SL, Khandji AG, Goodman R: Spinal Myoclonus Induced By An Intrathecal Catheter. Movement Disorders, Vol 12, No 6 pp1042-1045, 1997.
- *Wynne PJ, Younger DS, Khandji AG, Silver AJ: Radiographic Features of Central Nervous System Vasculitis: Neurologic Clinics, Vol 15, No 4 pp779-804, 1997.
- Mason TBA II, Chiriboga CA, Cargan AL, Hauger SB, LaRussa PL, Glick RS, Carmel PW, Khandji AG, DeVivo DC: Post-Inflammatory Hydrocephalus and Intracranial Mass Lesion from Candida in an Immunocompetent Child. Journal of Child Neurology Vol 11:No 4 pp336-341, July 1996.
- Koppel B, Pavlakis S, Poon T, Khandji AG, Pedley T: Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis and Acquired Ammuno Deficiency Syndrome: Role of Electroencephalography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of Neuroimaging Vol 6:No 2 122-125, 1996.
- *Birch BD, Khandji AG, McCormick PC: Atlanto-axial Degenerative Articular Cysts. Journal of Neurosurgery Vol 85, No 5 pp 810-816, 1996.
- Sacktor N, Van Heertum RL, Dooneief G, Gorman J, Khandji A, Marder K, Nour R, Todak G, Stern Y, Mayeux R: A Comparison of Cerebral SPECT Abnormalities in HIV-positive gay men with and without cognitive impairment. Arch Neurol 52(12):1170-1173, December 1995.
- Cohen DS, Lustgarten JH, Miller E, Khandji AG, Goodman RR: Effects of Coregistration of MR to CT Images On MR Stereotactic Accuracy. Journal of Neurosurgery Vol 82, No 5 pp 772-779, May 1995.
- Petty GW, Labar DR, Fisch BJ, Pedley TA, Mohr JP, Khandji A: Electroencephalography in lacunar infarction. J Neurological Sciences 134:47-50, 1995.
- Boyce LH, Khandji AG, DeKlerk AM, Nordli DR: Fetomaternal Hemorrhage as an Etiology of Neonatal Stroke Pediatric Neurology Vol. 11, No. 3, pp 255-257, October 1994.
- *Lustgarten JH, Solomon RA, Quest DO, Khandji AG, Mohr JP: Carotid Endarterectomy after Noninvasive Evaluation by Duplex Ultrasonography and Magnetic Resonance Angiography Neurosurgery Vol. 24, No. 4, April 1994.
- Younger DS, Sacco RL, Khandji AG, Appel GB, Jaffe IA: Major Cerebral Vessel Occlusion in SLE Due to Circulating Anticardiolipin Antibodies Stroke Vol. 25, No.4 912-914, April 1994.
- Oberfield SE, Nino M, Riddick L, Pang S, Nagel M, Khandji A, Kairam R, Levine LS: Combined Bromocriptine and Growth Hormone (GH) Treatment in GH-deficient Children with Macroprolactinoma in Situ. J. Clin. Endocrinol, and Metab. 75 (1): 87-90; July 1992.
- *Sanders KA, Khandji A, Mohr JP: Gadolinium-MRI in acute transverse myelopathy. Neurology 40:1614-1616, October 1990.
- Tatemichi TK, Chamorro A, Petty GW, Khandji A, Oropeza LA, Duterte DI, Mohr JP: Hemodynamic role of ophthalmic artery collateral in internal carotid artery occlusion. Neurology 40{3(Pt1)}: 461-464, March 1990.
- Camac A, Greene P, Khandji A: Paroxysmal Kinesigenic Dystonic Choreoathetosis Associated with a Thalamic Infarct. Movement Disorders Vol. 5, No.3 pp. 235-238 1990.
- McCormick PC, Post KD, Khandji A, Hays AP: Metastatic carcinoma to the pituitary gland, report of five cases. Brit J Neurosurg 3:71-80, 1989.
- Post KD, McCormick PC, Hays AP, Khandji A: Metastatic carcinoma to pituitary adenoma. Surgical Neurology 30:286-292, 1988.
- Chan S, Khandji AG, Hilal SK: How to Select Diagnostic Tests: CT and MRI. Merritt's Textbook of Neurology 9th Edition , Chapter 13, Ed. Lewis P. Rowland, Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1995. 59-67
- Apichai J, Khandji AG, Brust J: Diagnostic Neuro-imaging in Stroke. In Clinical Neuro-imaging Vol 4:11-47, Ed. William H. Theodore, Alan R. Liss, Inc. New York 1988.
- Mason TBA II, Chiriboga CA, Cargan AL, Hauger SB, Glick RS, Carmel PW, Khandji AG, DeVivo DC: Ventriculitis and Hydrocephalus in a Child with CNS Candida Granulomas. Pediatric Neurology 1994; 11:122.
- Hilal SK, Khandji A, Solomon RW, Chi LT: Obliteration of intra-cranial aneurysms with preshaped highly thrombogenic coils. Radiology (173) (P) p.250, Nov. 1989.
- Khandji A, Hilal SK: Intra-arterial administration of Nitroglycerin during endovascular interventional procedures. AJNR 10:898-899 July/Aug 1989.
- Binder JR, Mohr JP, Khandji A, Tatemichi TK: CT correlates of color dysnomia. Neurology (39) No.3, Supplement 1, p.226, March 1989.
- Binder JR, Mohr JP, Khandji A, Tatemichi TK: Lesion size correlates with severity in pure alexia evidence against strict localization. Neurology (39) No.3, Supplement 1, p.223, March 1989.
- Hilal SK, Khandji A, Chi TL, Stein BM, Bello JA, Silver AJ: Synthetic fiber-coated platinum coils successfully used for the endovascular treatment of arteriovenous malformations, aneurysms and direct arteriovenous fistulas of the CNS. AJNR 9:1030 Sept/Oct 1988.
- Petty GW, Labar DR, Fisch BJ, Pedley TA, Mohr JP, Khandji A: Electroencephalography in lacunar strokes. Ann Neuro1 24:129, 1988.
- Chi TL, Oh CH, Medina L, Bello JA, Khandji A, Moser FG, Hilal SK, Pavlakis S: MR tissue characterization of the developing brain at 1.5 T field. AJNR 8:961, Sept/Oct 1987.
- Hilal SK, Khandji A, Moser FG, Bello JA, Silver AJ: A new variable viscosity liquid embolization material. Acta Radiologica Proc of XIII Symposium Neuroradiologicum Stockholm, Ed. Torgny Greitz, p.772 , June 1986.
- Moser FG, Hilal SK, Bello JA, Abrams G, Silver AJ, Khandji A: Pseudo tumor cerebri-proton and sodium magnetic resonance imaging. Acta Radiologica Proc of the XIII Symposium Neuroradiologicum Stockholm, Ed. Torgny Greitz, p.766, June 1986.
- Khandji A, Hilal SK, Mun IK, Bello JA, Silver AJ: Clinical measurement of blood flow to the cervical and thoracic spinal cord. AJNR(7) p.550, May/June 1986.
- Choudri T, Huang J, Mocco T, Zhang Y, Gallo Ed, McTaggart R, Artrip J, Poisik A, Kovacs S, Laufer I, Karim N, DeLaPaz R, Khandji AG, Schwartz A, Heyer E, Dowling K, Stone JG, Finck D, Popilskis S, Solomon R, Pinsky D, Emerson R, Connolly ES, JR: Use of Intraoperative Motor Evoked Potentials to Provide Functional Confirmation of Ischemia in a Baboon Stroke Model. Presented at the Joint Meeting of the Section on Cerebrovascular Surgery of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons and Congress of Neurological Surgeons and American Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology, Nashville, TN, January 31-February 3, 1999.