Research Labs

  • The Computational Biomarker Imaging Group investigates the role of novel quantitative imaging biomarkers for improving personalized decisions for cancer screening, prognosis, and treatment.

    Despina Kontos and her lab members outside
  • Research in the Kvist Lab is focused on understanding the growth and development of young patients, with a particular emphasis on skeletal health and imaging techniques.

  • The Laboratory for Functional Optical Imaging develops novel biomedical imaging and microscopy techniques that use optics to capture information about the structure and function of living tissues.

  • LIINC uses principles of reverse “neuro”-engineering to characterize the cortical networks underlying perceptual and cognitive processes, such as rapid decision making, in the human brain.

  • LABS focuses on developing and applying artificial intelligence/machine learning methodologies to various biomedical data to understand human aging and disease.

  • The McIlvain Lab focuses on the development of magnetic resonance elastography (MRE), a noninvasive MRI technique for assessing the mechanical properties of soft tissues.

  • The Medical Imaging Physics Lab focuses on medical image acquisition technique improvement, using physics and engineering concepts and analysis for clinical translational applications.

    lab members of the jambawalikar lab
  • Innovative, cross-translational research to exploit molecular imaging and therapy techniques with the aim of personalizing therapeutics.

    Dr. Akiva Mintz in his lab.
  • Led by Sam Payabvash, MD, research at the Payabvash Lab is focused on the translation of novel neuroimaging modalities, quantitative analysis, and machine intelligence into clinical practice.

  • Dr. Diego Jaramillo's lab is applying a novel MR technique, diffusion tensor imaging of the physis and metaphysis, to better understand normal and abnormal bone growth. 

    Dr. Diego Jaramillo and lab members
  • Dr. Michael Lipton’s lab investigates brain mechanisms of neurobehavioral dysfunction due to injury and disease, and how inter-individual diversity alters these mechanisms and their consequences.

  • Led by Elisa Konofagou, PhD, the Ultrasound Elasticity and Imaging Laboratory develops novel, ultrasound-based techniques for both imaging and therapeutic applications.