Klaus A. Hamacher, PhD

Dr. Hamacher is the chief nuclear medicine physicist in Department of Radiology at Columbia University Irving Medical Center and NewYork-Presbyterian. His background and training have been in nuclear medicine physics and medical imaging physics, quality assurance, and regulatory compliance. He teaches nuclear medicine physics to the radiology residents and is in charge of the nuclear medicine practicum of the medical physics program of the Department of Applied Physics Applied Mathematics Program.
Academic Appointments
- Associate Professor of Radiology (Physics) at CUMC
Hospital Affiliations
- NewYork-Presbyterian / Columbia University Irving Medical Center
- German
- Male
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Credentials & Experience
Committees, Societies, Councils
Joint Radiation Safety Committee
Radiation Quality Assurance Subcommittee
Human Use Subcommittee
Radioactive Drug Research Committee
Quality and Patient Safety Committee
New York State - Departement of Education - Board for Medical Physics
Member American Association of Physicsts in Medicine
Member Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
Board Certifications
- Diagnostic Radiology
- Nuclear Medicine
Selected Publications
Invited Talks
"Neutron scattering study of the magnetic properties of (1-102) Dy/Y superlattices and the intercalation of organic compounds in lipid bilayers", Los Alamos, NM, (1996).
"The Inside Scoop of Being A Diagnostic Medical Physicist", Medical Physics Seminar, Department of Applied Physics and Mathematics, New York, NY (2012).
"The Creative Medical Physicist: Designing Tools and Accessories for Surveys", Medical Physics Seminar, Department of Applied Physics and Mathematics, New York, NY (2014).
"Intercalation of organic compounds in lipid bilayers", MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, (1994).
"Observation of multiphoton exchange of polarized neutrons with a rapidly oscillating magnetic field using neutron interferometry", Joint APS/AAPT Meeting, Washington, D.C., (1995).
"Magnetic properties of (1-102) Dy/Y superlattices", APS March Meeting, St. Louis, MO, (1996).
"Coexistence of ferro - and helimagnetic phases in Dy/Y superlattices", Midwest Solid State Conference, Lincoln, NE, (1996).
"Error Analysis Of Gamma Camera Based Dosimetry In Radioimmunotherapy", Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, (1999).
"Annual Gamma Camera QC: Techniques And Phantoms To Simplify The Implementation Of The NEMA NU-1 Procedures For Tests Recommended By The ACR", American Association of Physicist in Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, (2006).
Neutron diffraction study of magnetic properties of Dy/Y superlattices. International Conference on Neutron Scattering, Toronto, Canada, (1997).
Comparative study of the biodistribution and dosimetry of selected alpha-emitters and their daughters: a modeling analysis. Seventh Conference on Radioimmunodetection and Radioimmunotherapy of Cancer, Princeton, NJ, (1998).
Model - derived dosimetry of selected alpha-emitters and their daughters. American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Nashville, TN, (1999).
Estimation Of The Immunoreactive Fraction Of Radiolabeled Antibodies: Development Of A New Mathematical Method And Comparison With Lindmo Method. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, (2004).
Extended List Mode: Maximized Information Retention In The Days Of Cheap Memory. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, (2004).
Annual Gamma Camera QC: Techniques And Phantoms To Simplify The Implementation Of The NEMA NU-1 Procedures For Tests Recommended By The ACR. Society of Nuclear Medicine - Regional Meeting of the Greater New York and Greater New England Chapters, Newport, RI, (2005).
Exposure Rate Calculation: Effect Of Photon Divergence Near A Radioactive Source. Society of Nuclear Medicine - Regional Meeting of the Greater New York and Greater New England Chapters, Newport, RI, (2005).
Performance Evaluation Of A SFOV Solid State Imaging System. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, (2006).
Exposure Rate Calculation: Effect Of Photon Divergence Near A Radioactive Source. American Association of Physicist in Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, (2006).
Selected Publications
Kaiser H, Hamacher K, Kulasekere R, Lee WT, Ankner JF, DeFacio B, Miceli P, Worcester DL; Neutron inverse optics in layered materials; SPIE; 1994; 2241; 78-89.
Summhammer J, Hamacher KA, Kaiser H, Weinfurter H, Jacobson DL, Werner SA; Multiphoton exchange amplitudes observed by neutron interferometry; Phys Rev Let; 1995; 75 (18); 3206-3209.
Wagh AG, Rakhecha VC, Summhammer J, Badurek G, Weinfurter H, Allman BE, Kaiser H, Hamacher K, Jacobson DL, Werner SA ; Neutron interferometric separation of geometric and dynamical phases; J Phys Soc Jpn; 1996; 65 Suppl. A; 73-76.
Summhammer J, Wagh AG, Kaiser H, Hamacher KA, Allman BE, Weinfurter H, Jacobson DL; Photon exchange and geometric phase observed by polarized neutron interferometry; In: DeMartini F, Denardo G, Shih Y, eds: Quantum Interferometry; Proceedings of an Adriatico Workshop; 1996 March; Trieste. New York: VCH Publishers Inc. 1996; 380-390.
Theis-Bröhl K, Ritley KA, Flynn CP, Hamacher K, Kaiser H, Rhyne JJ; Magnetic properties of (1-102)Dy/Y superlattices; J Appl Phys; 1996; 79; 4779-4781.
Worcester DL, Hamacher K, Kaiser H, Kulasekere R, Torbet J; Intercalation of small hydrophobic molecules in lipid bilayers containing cholesterol; Schoenborn and Knott eds. Neutrons in Biology; 1996; 163; 215-226.
Hamacher KA, Kaiser H, Kulasekere R, Worcester DL. Intercalation of organic compounds in lipid bilayers; Mat Res Soc Symp Proc; 1995; 376; 297-299.
Wagh AG, Rakhecha VC, Summhammer J, Badurek G, Weinfurter H, Allman BE, Kaiser H, Hamacher K, Jacobson DL, Werner SA; Experimental separation of geometric and dynamical phases using neutron interferometery; Phys Rev Let; 1997; 78; 755-759.
Theis-Bröhl K, Ritley KA, Flynn CP, Van Nostrand JE, Cahill DG, Hamacher K, Kaiser H, Rhyne JJ; Co-existing ferro- and helimagnetism in Dy/Y superlattices; J Appl Phys; 1997; 81; 1-3.
Theis-Bröhl K, Ritley KA, Flynn CP, Van Nostrand JE, Hamacher K, Kaiser H, Rhyne JJ. Coexistence of different magnetic phases in Dy/Y superlattices caused by growth induced nanostructures; J Magn Magn Mat; 1997; 166; 27-37.
Boedeker P, Sonntag P, Schreyer A, Zabel H, Borchers J, Hamacher K, Kaiser H; Effect of Fe cap layers on the Spin Density Waves in Epitaxial Cr(001) Films; J Appl Phys; 1997; 81; 5247.
Boedeker P, Sonntag P, Schreyer A, Borchers J, Hamacher K, Kaiser H; Spin-density-waves in epitaxial Fe/Cr films; Physica B; 1997; 464; 234-236.
Sherman BW, Hamacher K; Power supply design in the undergraduate curriculum; IEEE Trans Educ; 1997; 40 (4); 278-282.
Sonntag P, Boedeker P, Schreyer A, Hamacher K, Kaiser H; Magnetic phase diagram for spin-density-waves in thin epitaxial Cr(001) films; J Magn Magn Mat; 1998; 183; 5-18.
Hamacher KA, Sgouros G; A schema for estimating absorbed dose to organs following the administration of radionuclides with multiple unstable daughters: A matrix approach; Med Phys; 1999; 26 (12); 2526-2528.
Kolbert KS, Hamacher KA, Jurcic JG, Scheinberg DA , Larson SM, Sgouros G; Parametric Images of Antibody Pharmacokinetics in Bi-213-HuM195 Therapy of Leukemia; J Nuc Med; 2001; 42; 27-32.
Hamacher KA, Den RB, Den EI, Sgouros G; Cellular dose conversion factors for alpha-particle emitting radionuclides of interest in radionuclide therapy; J Nuc Med; 2001; 42; 1216-1221.
Ballangrud AM, Yang W-H, Charlton DE, McDevitt MR, Hamacher KA, Panageas KS, Ma D, Bander NH, Scheinberg DA, Sgouros G; Response of LNCaP spheroids following treatment with alpha-particle-emitter (213Bi)-labeled anti-PSMA antibody (J591); Can Res 2001; 61; 2008-2014.
Hamacher KA, Sgouros G; Theoretical estimation of absorbed dose to organs in RIT using radionuclides with multiple unstable daughters; Med Phys; 2001; 28 (9); 1857-1874.
Jurcic JG, Larson SM, Sgouros G, McDevitt MR, Finn RD, Divgi CR, Ballangrud AM, Hamacher KA, Ma D, Humm JL, Brechbiel MW, Molinet R, Scheinberg DA; Targeted alpha particle immunotherapy for myeloid leukemia; Blood; 2002; 100 (4); 1233-1239.
Konishi S, Hamacher KA, Vallabhajosula S, Kothari P, Bastidas D, Bander NH, Goldsmith SJ; Determination of Immunoreactive Fraction of Radiolabeled Monoclonal Antibodies: What is an Appropriate Method? Cancer Biother and Radiopharmma; 2004; 19; 706-715.
Vallabhajosula S, Kuji I, Hamacher KA, Konishi S, Kostakoglu L, Kothari PA, Milowski MI, Nanus DM, Bander NH, and Goldsmith SJ; Pharmacokinetics and Biodistribution of 111In and 177Lu-Labeled J591 Antibody Specific for Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen: Prediction of 90Y-J591 Radiation Dosimetry Based on 111In or 177Lu?; J Nucl Med; 2005; 46; 634-641.
Vallabhajosula S, Goldsmith SJ, Hamacher KA, Kostakoglu L, Konishi S, Milowski MI, Nanus DM, Bander NH; Prediction of Myelotoxicity Based on Bone Marrow Radiation-Absorbed Dose: Radioimmunotherapy Studies Using 90Y- and 177Lu-Labeled J591 Antibodies Specific for Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen; J Nucl Med; 2005; 46; 850-858.
Schmidtlein CR, Kirov AS, Nehmeh SA, Erdi YE, Humm JL, Amols HI, Bidaut LM, Ganin A, Stearns CW, McDaniel DL, Hamacher KA; Validation of GATE Monte Carlo simulations of the GE Advance/Discovery LS PET scanners; Med Phys; 2006; 33(1); 198-208.
Voss HU, Ulug AM, Dyke JP, Watts R, Kobylarz EJ, McCandliss BD, Heier LA, Beattie BJ, Hamacher KA, Vallabhajosula S, Goldsmith, Ballon D, Giacino JT, Schiff ND; Possible axonal regrowth in late recovery from the minimally conscious state; J Clinical Investigation; 2006; 116(7); 2005-2011.